Johnson County waste district swamped with used electronics
An Indiana law designed to keep hazardous chemicals out of landfills is causing an overflow of unwanted electronics at a central Indiana waste district's offices.
An Indiana law designed to keep hazardous chemicals out of landfills is causing an overflow of unwanted electronics at a central Indiana waste district's offices.
The oil industry says a new oil pipeline from Canada to the Gulf Coast might create jobs for Indiana residents if the Obama administration approves its construction.
A Purdue ag economist says preliminary budgets show variable costs for rotation corn increasing by 16 percent, soybeans by 15 percent and wheat by 12 percent when compared with last January.
Designation to east-side project would go beyond building certification.
The Holy Grail of energy efficiency has yet to arrive, but pieces are falling into place.
Indiana environmental groups file a second lawsuit against the Army Corps of Engineers, alleging permits for 29 miles of the I-69 project between Oakland City and Washington violate the Clean Water Act.
The building is IU's "greenest," featuring solar panels and grounds landscaped for water capture, along with an employee bicycle garage.
By 2013, Lilly hopes to reduce water intake another 5 percent, while reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills an additional 20 percent.
Indianapolis is soliciting proposals for its drop-off recycling program with the aim of boosting participation in the initiative.
U.S. farmers earning record profits are fighting to maintain agricultural subsidies, a likely target of the congressional supercommittee working to reduce federal spending.
Duke Energy Corp. is preparing to demolish a coal-fired power plant that's Indiana's oldest electricity-generating plant of its kind.
Two Taiwanese trade groups have agreed to buy as much as $5 billion worth of corn and soybeans from Indiana and other states in 2012 and 2013.
Factors driving up rates will be new plant construction, installation of pollution controls, and improvements to extend the operating life of existing power plants.
Gleaners Food Bank, Indiana University Health, the city of Indianapolis and the Indianapolis Parks Foundation announced Wednesday they're teaming up on the project called Indy Urban Acres.
The Indianapolis Airport Authority announced Tuesday that it has selected a joint venture of three locally based firms to develop a 60-acre solar farm on airport property.
Officials took the action after finding that the herbicide damaged scores of trees and ornamental plants throughout the state.
The rules specify under what circumstances, and by how much, polluters can increase pollution into the state's surface waters.
The Audubon Society has documented hundreds of birds killed downtown in the past two years as birds are attracted to the city lights and then fly into windows.
A Purdue University agricultural economist says Indiana's 2011 farm income could approach $4 billion, eclipsing the state's previous farm income record of $3.2 billion set in 2008.
The report found construction, services and trades accounted for well over 60 percent of the state's green jobs.