
Showdown for ethanol

Powerful new lobbies are fighting over the future of the controversial industry. Who are they appealing to? You.

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Ethanol doubles its efforts in effort to keep subsidies

For years, ethanol fuel derived from corn was almost politically untouchable, thanks to powerful advocates on Capitol Hill.
The ethanol industry has consequently exploded over the last decade, thanks to government subsidies and incentives. But skepticism
about ethanol is rising, prompted by fluctuating food prices and an organized campaign by anti-ethanol advocates to discredit
the industry.

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PANEL: Progress is being made on environmental issues in state

New Watch Video iconExperts
say Indianapolis is moving forward on recycling, that environmental research is discovering promising technologies, and that
manufacturers are finding new things to make. Local cognoscenti from the green community testify to these developments in
five included videos.

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Ballard retooling city’s curbside recycling strategy

Mayor Greg Ballard plans to renegotiate the city’s trash-collection-and-processing deals, a move aimed at boosting Indianapolis’
woeful 3.5-percent curbside-recycling rate and making the city one of the best environmental stewards in the Midwest.

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