
Utilities favor federal carbon dioxide permit-trading plan

Resigned to inevitable government curbs on their carbon dioxide emissions, about
all Indiana utilities could do was say which poison they’d prefer to swallow. They’re closer to
getting their favorite poison, with the U.S. House passage June 26 of a bill that would create a market
for trading carbon dioxide permits.

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EnerDel poised to get jolt of stimulus juice

Within weeks, EnerDel expects to receive notification that it’s getting as much as $480 million in financing under a U.S.
Department of Energy program aimed at fostering advanced vehicle manufacturing.

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Hoosier named to lead CDC trade organization

Jean Wojtowicz, executive director of the Indiana Statewide Certified Development Corp., has been elected to chair the National
Association of Development Companies, or NADCO, board of directors.

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Manufacturers to help pay for TV, computer recycling

The Indiana Recycling Coalition scored big in the just-concluded session of the Indiana General Assembly with the passage
of House Bill 1589, which requires that electronics manufacturers help pay for recycling of their old televisions and computer

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Prepare for Indiana’s low-carbon economy

No doubt the transition to a low-carbon economy will bring great challenges for Hoosier businesses, given how carbon-intensive
our society is. However, if we take proactive steps, Indiana can emerge as a standout success story.

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Return of the gas-guzzler?

Americans are gravitating toward the kinds of vehicles theyâ??ll be buying for the next several years, says
one of the nationâ??s leading automotive forecasters.

John Wolkonowicz, senior auto analyst at IHS Global Insight, says the dominant vehicle of the future will…

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Mass transit potential

For an interesting take on how mass transit could help revitalize Indianapolis, see IBJ reporter Chris Oâ??Malleyâ??s
story this week on the topic. Ball State grad students dreamed up several concepts for plunking new rail
stations along existing…

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Green magazine deserves recognition

For the past 2-1/2 years, Indiana Living Green has sprouted up through the corporate cracks, offering Indiana readers a guide to a greener lifestyle and sustainable living.

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