
Youth program may promote sense of purpose

Though I’m an economist, and not much skilled at matters of the heart, it seems to me there’s something amiss in today’s national psyche. There’s no real sense of purpose or unity. For those of us old enough to have had very close relatives who lived through the Great Depression, today just feels different from […]

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Central Canal needs green space

The Indiana War Memorials Commission’s proposal to build a USS Indianapolis submarine memorial on the east bank of the Canal just north of the existing
USS Indianapolis (cruiser) National Memorial would unwisely occupy nearly the last piece of green space on the Canal.

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Ballard trip to explore clean energy

Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard and other city officials will travel to Brazil in May to explore renewable-energy production,
in hopes of making the city a leader in the technology.

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CAFE standards not as effective as gasoline tax

The Obama administration recently reversed a Bush-era policy that prevented states from imposing some of their own environmental policies with respect to corporate average fuel efficiency, or CAFE, standards.

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This company truly recycles

We at the Indianapolis location of AbitibiBowater, North America’s largest newsprint manufacturer and home of the Paper Retriever paper-recycling program, want to assure those who deposit paper in the green and yellow Abitibi Paper Retriever bins that all paper in this program is recycled and not landfilled.

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City’s environmental effort gets boost

The McKinney Family Foundation has created a fund to support initiatives of Mayor Greg Ballard’s 3-month-old Office of Sustainability, an environmental initiative that promotes projects ranging from energy-efficient city buildings to bicycle paths.

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Falling scrap prices hurt recycling industry

It’s the best of times and the worst of times for Indianapolis recycling firms. On the one hand, public interest and participation
in recycling programs have never been stronger. On the other, the industry’s capacity to turn all that trash into treasure
rarely has been weaker.

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Duke Energy CEO on ‘elite’ list

he CEO of the biggest electricity provider in Indiana has
been ranked No. 50 on "The Global Elite" ranking of 50 influential individuals compiled by Newsweek.

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Backsliding on environment?

One of the most curious developments underway in state government is the moves by the Department of Environmental
Management to back peddle on its mandate to keep an eye on polluters.

Environmental groups are aghast at IDEMâ??s plan to slap penalties…

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