
UPDATE: Biden touts advanced vehicles in Greenfield

Vice President Joe Biden was in Greenfield, about 25 miles east of Indianapolis, on Wednesday morning to visit an EnerDel plant that received a $118.5 million Recovery Act grant in 2009 to expand its lithium-ion battery production.

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Rising industrial production gives economy momentum

Factories started producing more as U.S. companies placed more orders to replenish stockpiles that they slashed during the downturn. Then in the final months of 2010, consumers and businesses showed a bigger appetite to spend, encouraged in part by the improving economy.

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Chrysler to invest another $85M in Kokomo plant

Chrysler Group LLC said Tuesday it plans to invest an additional $85 million in its Kokomo transmission plant. The money is in addition to the recently announced $1.2 billion investment in other facilities in the north-central Indiana city.

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