Experts: Fix for $600M health care site needs more time, money
Technology experts say healing what ails the website will be a tougher task than the Obama administration acknowledges.
Technology experts say healing what ails the website will be a tougher task than the Obama administration acknowledges.
In addition to managing the complexity and challenges of the Affordable Care Act, employers are assessing the law’s impact on their Worker’s Compensation program. The debate ranges from minimal influence to significant, with many experts hedging their bets with a wait-and-see approach.
The movement toward a “public health” model may be the most important current trend in American health care. Because the trend is more a result of market forces than of the Affordable Care Act, repealing Obamacare won’t stop it.
For years, the county-owned hospitals ringing Indianapolis have watched warily as the city’s four major hospital systems used their superior size and resources to push ever outward into the suburbs.
Pence wants to expand Medicaid coverage using some form of the Healthy Indiana Plan, which currently provides insurance to about 40,000 Hoosiers who agree to make monthly contributions to health savings accounts. The Obama administration has questioned that feature of the program.
The administration says fewer than 27,000 people managed to enroll for health insurance last month in the 36 states relying on the problem-filled federal website for President Barack Obama’s overhaul.
‘Fracking’ has made natural gas cheap and abundant, but prices could rise with demand, costing consumers.
Federal officials and advocacy groups believe the project is making significant progress on pollution cleanup and other problems, but they’re short on yardsticks for confirming their impressions.
Even though Obamacare will raise various taxes to subsidize the cost of expanding health insurance coverage, Indiana might say no to all its new funding, to the tune of $1.2 billion per year. That also means the state would say no to a reduction by more than half of the 810,000 Hoosiers that go without health insurance for a time each year.
The central Indiana business news authority has elevated the idea behind its popular Forefront section and created a website similarly focused on commentary about politics, policy and government.
Thank the government for a subpar outlook, Indiana University economists said prior to kicking off their annual forecast road show Wednesday morning in Indianapolis.
Amid federal budget cuts that have limited the participation of elite flying groups, the show’s executive committee has decided to call it quits.
Federal prosecutors are asking a judge to sentence Indianapolis attorney Paul J. Page to prison for his role in a real estate deal involving a state-leased office building in Elkhart.
Indiana Sen. Joe Donnelly told reporters in a conference call Wednesday that his Skills Gap Strategy Act seeks to ensure the Department of Labor has a concerted strategy to address skills-gap issues.
More than 925,000 Hoosiers who accept government assistance to purchase food will receive fewer benefits starting Friday when a program enacted during the economic downturn expires.
The signal from Hoosier Public Radio Corp. interferred with an aircraft radio frequency, according to the federal agency.
Health insurance execs, including WellPoint Inc. CEO Joseph Swedish, will meet with top White House officials Wednesday as the president seeks to contain political damage from the disastrous rollout of Obamacare.
The government spent at least $394 million in contracts to build the federal health care exchange and data hub. The painfully slow and often unresponsive website has frustrated Americans trying to enroll for insurance plans.
The premiums offered by health insurers participating in the Obamacare exchanges put Indiana among the 10 most-expensive states in the country, according to data released last month by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Up against a deadline, Congress passed and sent a waiting President Barack Obama legislation late Wednesday night to avoid a threatened national default and end the 16-day partial government shutdown.