SBA lenders optimistic about year’s loan output
Volume nevertheless is expected to fall short of last year’s record numbers
Volume nevertheless is expected to fall short of last year’s record numbers
The U.S. auto industry and Kokomo have staged an amazing comeback. But the resurrection of U.S. automakers has done little to resolve a deep political divide over the bailout.
Mail operations in Bloomington, Kokomo, Lafayette, Muncie and Columbus will be moved to Indianapolis. Mail operations at Terre Haute will be divided between Indianapolis and Evansville, and mail operations at Gary will go to a processing center in Bedford Park, Ill.
State treasurer and tea party favorite Richard Mourdock with square off against U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar on April 11 in their only debate to be hosted by the Indiana Debate Commission before the May 8 primary.
President Barack Obama’s plan would trim the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent. In turn, corporations would have to give up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy.
For-profit college operators such as Carmel-based ITT Educational Services Inc.would lose a financial incentive to enroll soldiers and veterans under U.S. Senate and House bills aimed at curbing what sponsors call aggressive marketing of subpar programs.
Increase in federal funding helps developers finance projects that include mixed-income rental housing.
Richard Lugar's tea party challenger stood Wednesday morning outside the Indianapolis home the Republican U.S. senator sold decades ago to make the case his opponent no longer has much to do with the state he represents.
The prominent national conservative group on Tuesday endorsed Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock, giving him a timely boost in his bid to unseat longtime GOP Sen. Richard Lugar.
Dan Dumezich is guiding Mitt Romney’s effort to win the Indiana GOP primary and also runs the state elections panel that weighs challenges to candidates’ ballot access. Opponent Rick Santorum is eight signatures shy of the 500 needed from Indiana’s 7th District.
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, who decided last year against a presidential run, says he would consider serving in the cabinet of a new Republican president but believes it's "very improbable" the eventual nominee would tap him as a running mate.
Indiana homeowners will receive about $43 million in refinanced loans while other borrowers will get $30 million worth of loan-term modifications and other relief as part of a $25 billion nationwide settlement with the country's biggest mortgage lenders.
The funds will be used to construct a three-story, independent-living facility consisting of 50 one-bedroom units for low-income senior citizens at the neighborhood center on Indianapolis’ northwest side.
Indianapolis-based trucking firm U & D Service Inc. was ordered to cease operations by federal authorities after being declared an “imminent hazard” to public safety.
An Indiana congressman is seeking an amendment to a federal bill that would target a Bloomington group's refusal to include part of the Evansville-to-Indianapolis Interstate 69 extension in its local transportation plan.
The 73-year-old, who has represented the 5th District since 1982, had narrowly survived tough Republican primary battles in his past two campaigns.
Plan sponsors will face both higher expectations and legal responsibilities.
In the GOP response to the president's State of the Union address, Daniels cast his party as compassionate and eager to unchain the country's potential.
For-profit colleges like Carmel-based ITT Educational Services would be forced to rely less on federal money under a bill aimed at curbing the marketing of degrees to soldiers and veterans.
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, a popular fiscal conservative who flirted with a presidential bid, will deliver the Republican response to President Barack Obama's State of the Union address on Tuesday.