
WellPoint’s New York rate hike to face scrutiny

WellPoint Inc. and other U.S. health insurers will have to provide justification for any increases to customers’ premiums of more than 10 percent next year, according to federal regulations published Tuesday.

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Indiana awaits census data, redistricting debate

Unlike a decade ago, when the 2000 census cost Indiana one of its U.S. House seats, the state is expected to hold on to all nine of its congressional districts Tuesday when the U.S. Census Bureau releases new national population data, state lawmakers said.

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Congress sends tax legislation to White House

Acting with uncommon speed, Congress sent President Barack Obama sweeping, bipartisan legislation late Thursday night to avoid a Jan. 1 spike in income taxes for millions and renew jobless benefits for victims of the worst recession in 80 years.

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Rolls-Royce scores more military business

Rolls-Royce Corp. landed more than $100 million in new business this week, winning two contracts to provide support for aircraft engines it makes in Indianapolis for the U.S. Army and Navy.

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ITT Educational, for-profit peers reaped $521M from military

Twenty for-profit colleges—led by Carmel-based ITT Educational Services—reaped $521 million in U.S. taxpayer funds in 2010 by recruiting armed-services members and veterans through misleading marketing, according to a Congressional report released Thursday.

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Feds sue developer Premier over raid on retirement accounts

Executives of defunct Indianapolis developer Premier Properties USA Inc. are negotiating to settle a lawsuit brought by the U.S. Department of Labor that claims the company raided employee retirement accounts in a last-ditch bid to save itself in early 2008.

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Lugar opposes GOP Senate moratorium on earmarks

Republican U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar says he opposes a GOP moratorium on earmarks in the Senate because it gives the false impression that Congress is attempting to meet the public demand to reduce spending.

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