
New federal rules target for-profit college recruiting

The Obama administration proposed banning for-profit colleges, including Carmel-based ITT Educational Services Inc., from
tying recruiters’ pay to the number of people they enroll, saying high-pressure sales tactics induced students to take
out government loans they can’t afford.

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Lugar’s energy bill winning support

Lugar’s bill may be able to muster the 60 votes needed for Senate passage because it wouldn’t cap emissions or expand offshore
drilling, two controversial issues in the Senate.

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Rolls-Royce snags $7.5 million military contract

Engineers at Rolls-Royce Corp.’s Indianapolis manufacturing facility will work for the next year to design, develop
and test an upgrade for a digital engine control the company is making for the U.S. Army’s OH-58 Kiowa Warrior helicopter.

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Other states join Indiana in spurning grant program

About two dozen states are going back to Washington for another shot at billions in education grants under the “Race to the
Top” program, but at least nine others including Indiana are opting out of trying a second time.

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Summit to counsel cities on reform

Now that health reform is law, a local not-for-profit group, Better Healthcare for Indiana, wants to help Indiana community
leaders use the law to slow runaway medical spending while improving the health of their citizens.

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Lilly spent $2.3M lobbying in first quarter

Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly and Co. spent about $2.3 million in the first quarter of 2010 lobbying the federal government
on health care reform, Medicare reimbursement and trade issues among other topics.

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Sebelius sees insurers as health reform partners

U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said having insurers as "good partners" is part of health
care reform, but she made no promises Friday to tone down criticism of an industry the Obama administration has attacked repeatedly.

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