
Judge blocks Trump’s small-business health insurance plan

The plans at issue in Bates’ ruling Thursday allow groups of small businesses and sole proprietors to band together to offer lower-cost coverage that doesn’t have to include all the benefits required by Obamacare. They also can be offered across state lines.

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Buttigieg gains with crowds, TV spots, campaign cash

Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg’s underdog bid is gaining momentum. Now he has to figure out how to turn one of the first surprises of the nascent race for the Democratic nomination into a full-fledged presidential campaign.

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Some Americans floored by tax bills, changes in law

The first tax filing season under the new federal tax law is proving to be surprising, confusing—and occasionally frightening—for some Americans, especially those accustomed to getting money back from the government.

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Many steel tariffs waived even with tough trade talk

Hundreds of companies have received permission to import millions of tons of steel without paying tariffs. Two subsidiaries of Japanese companies, both in the suburbs of Indianapolis, had vastly different experiences with the waiver requests.

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