
Crowd funding taps passionate fan base for fantasy figurines

A growing number of small game companies will join a pantheon of industry titans starting Aug. 15 at the Gen Con Indy gaming convention. The small guys are there largely because they can get the money they need to keep themselves alive via the fundraising technique known as “crowd funding” or “crowd sourcing.”

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Developer loses fraud appeal

The Indiana Court of Appeals affirmed Christopher White’s 2009 conviction, resulting from a $500,000 bad check he wrote as he tried to save his real estate development firm.

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Elkhart County getting nearly 400 new jobs

The Elkhart County Council on Saturday approved tax incentives for four companies seeking to expand in the county where the jobless rate topped out at nearly 19 percent in March 2009.

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Precedent joins ranks of battered developers

The Precedent Cos.—the local developer of The Precedent Office Park, Mount Comfort Commercial Park and several upscale residential communities in Hamilton and Johnson counties—is winding down operations in an out-of-court restructuring.

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