
Proprietary developments withering from recession

Financing is the lifeblood of companies turning intellectual property into a product or service, but turbulent economic conditions
have made it increasingly difficult to raise cash from investors who are content to wait
out the storm by concentrating on their existing portfolios.

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Durham insider deal sparks outcry

Tim Durham is facing allegations of self-dealing after a publicly traded company he helps run in Dallas acquired assets from
a finance company he owns in Ohio.

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Struggling contractors hope for sale of factory

Contractors struggling under the weight of an unfinished factory in Tipton are hoping for a quick sale to recover at least
some of the $44 million they say they’re owed by Getrag Transmission Manufacturing.

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Pension merger raises questions

We’re generally supportive of a plan to merge the state’s two largest public pensions in an effort to save money, but it’s
hard to know exactly what to think considering the lack of detailed information available about the performance of the funds.

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Recession, lockdown of credit hammers businesses of all sizes

Stock markets fell, jobs disappeared, and the outlook for the economy seemed to grow grimmer by the week in 2008. Banks, real estate developers, retailers and manufacturers took some of the worst hits, but all types of businesses in central
Indiana felt the pain.

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Indiana bankruptcies soar

Indiana bankruptcies are rising toward levels not seen since Congress tightened filing rules three years ago, and experts
say stretched consumers and businesses probably won’t reap benefits of an improved economy for at least a year.

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Companies shifting more health costs to employees

Employers, now doubly pinched by steadily rising health insurance premiums and a steadily deteriorating economy, are searching
for new and larger cost-shifting tools, according to survey and anecdotal evidence from Mercer, a global benefits brokerage
and consulting firm.

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