DEBORAH DANIELS: Response to merit board showcases city’s strength
Strong opinions were expressed, and calls were made for immediate changes in the merit board, but we did not experience violence.
Strong opinions were expressed, and calls were made for immediate changes in the merit board, but we did not experience violence.
We can’t remember the last time a police officer was prosecuted and convicted for killing a black person while on duty in Marion County.
Have we considered that education can be not only utilitarian but also transformative? Transformative not in terms of the economic benefits it can produce, but in the way it can lead to meaningful lives and a better world.
Not all anonymous sources share their information in sinister conversations in back hallways.
These days, it is nearly impossible to know when our children are filling their minds with hate and dark propaganda.
In Noblesville, it was finally our turn. A student, for whatever reason, took a gun into a classroom and started firing.
We have the potential to grow businesses right here and to grow our talent pool through education and workforce efforts.
The Lugar Series, where I am executive director, was launched in 1990 by Judy Singleton and Teresa Lubbers with the full support of Lugar and the hope of guiding more Republican women to elected office and public service.
Nothing is more motivating to cast your vote than having a candidate you believe in, or one you’re terrified of, on the ballot. But how do you know if a candidate is one or the other?
Some ongoing criticism of the debate commission, including here in Forefront, reflected a fundamental lack of understanding about how we work and why we exist.
Public concern about favoritism is increased when there has been no public testimony, no amendments allowed for the minority, no witnesses, and no public lobbying.
Democrats have five women and Republicans have two women running for congress.
I have never seen anything like it in Indiana.
As a society, we have not placed a high enough value on what Girl Scouts provides for girls the way we have for Boy Scouts for boys.
It is my belief after more than five decades at all levels, from Brownie to CEO, that a girl’s best interest is served in a single-gender, research-based, outcome-driven organization that values the total girl.
Democracy is sustained by a free and open press. For the president to disparage this institution is to attack the very core of who we are.
The current administration needs to address it with the precision of an experienced seamstress, reinforcing weaknesses and reworking the threads to make the fabric of all lives beneficially joined.
With the rising visibility of new immigrants, the public debate surrounding immigration policy has grown more divisive and controversial.
Our responsibility is not only to author innovation, but to earn and maintain the trust of our users through secure, honest data collection.
Innovators and entrepreneurs (business and philanthropic) sometimes have to go beyond that which we know is achievable.