
SHELLA: Twenty years of ‘Indiana Week in Review’

There is a community that has grown up around the show, Republicans and Democrats who have new respect for one another, journalists who view politicians in more humane ways, and politicos who better understand journalists’ motives based on what is said both on the air and off.

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BROOKS: For young adults today, if it feels right …

It’s not so much that these young Americans are living lives of sin and debauchery, at least no more than you’d expect from 18- to 23-year-olds. What’s disheartening is how bad they are at thinking and talking about moral issues.

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DOWD: Our choice—blockheads or the egghead

At the cusp of the 2012 race, we have a classic cultural collision between a skinny Eastern egghead lawyer who’s inept in Washington gunfights and a pistol-totin’, lethal-injectin’, square-shouldered cowboy who has no patience for book learnin’.

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