
MUTZ: Gale of opportunity blowing toward IPS

The New Orleans school system, which endured almost total devastation due to Hurricane Katrina, may give us a model to follow. When given an opportunity for a fresh start, the city developed a combination of public and charter schools.

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DOWD: Governor Brown redux … the iceman melteth

The shock of dark hair is gone, but Jerry Brown is still Jerry Brown. The prickliness, bluntness, questioning, calculating. That against-the-grain attitude; disdain for materialism, emptiness and politics as usual; that Jesuit-Buddhist outlook.

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DOUTHAT: The lowdown on why monogamy matters

The ultimate goal is a sexual culture that makes it easier for young people to achieve romantic happiness—by encouraging them to wait a little longer, choose more carefully and judge their sex lives against a strong moral standard.

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RENN: Beyond brain drain to talent magnet

Indy is no longer a sleepy, backwater state capital. While it certainly has a way to go in some departments, it is at the point where it can compete at a much higher level than many think.

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