KRUGMAN: Republicans hold America hostage … again
It’s hard to know whether the “what, us worry?” types believe what they’re saying, or whether they’re just staking out a bargaining position.
It’s hard to know whether the “what, us worry?” types believe what they’re saying, or whether they’re just staking out a bargaining position.
It is reasonable to believe … that Custer thought he was running to ground a relatively small party of warriors when in fact he was about to be surrounded by what may have been three times as many.
Unless something goes horribly awry in November, he’s going to be the next mayor of South Bend.
It is difficult to sell the benefits of democracy to your citizens or the stability of your government to foreign investors if too much information is kept hidden.
Although many planners and economists say some communities are a lost cause, local determination and leadership can make a difference.
It must be understood that Democrats even implying that other Democrats are racist is much worse than Republicans calling one another socialist.
[The sergeant at arms] might request the assistance of a police officer in making the arrest, but he would be the official arresting officer, acting in the name of the House.
A younger Bosma during an earlier stint as speaker might have responded with acid rhetoric and ultimatums.
Safe districts essentially decide elections and take the power out of the hands of voters today and for the next 10 years.
There are too many other soft courses that allow students to spend years in college without becoming educated in any real sense.
We must develop a standard assessment instrument for kindergarten readiness and close the gaps in cognitive development that inhibit school performance.
“Minority” is rapidly evolving to “majority,” and that makes a lot of people uncomfortable.
I never dreamed I’d compare Lugar with moderate Democrats, but his record speaks for itself.
If you’ve actually served in uniform—as Lugar has—giving those willing to fight and die for our country a path to citizenship isn’t what you call “amnesty” or “rewarding illegal immigrants.”
Richard Lugar stands shoulder-to-shoulder with Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, Robert Taft and Ted Kennedy.
In the end, the unintended consequences may be that Indiana is left without the high-quality teachers it needs to prepare our students for success.
Of all the school factors that affect how much students learn, nothing is more important than the quality of the teachers in their classrooms.
Not beatifying or canonizing John Paul would be hugely symbolic, a message far more powerful than the ad hoc apologies and payoffs to victims.
The language and methodology are different, but the goal is the same: to deny, invalidate and subjugate, to distract from real issues with false divisions.
It is intuitive to assume that, when people struggle, government “help” is the answer. The opposite is true. American groups who are helped the most, do the worst.