
KRUGMAN: Texas is a bad omen for the nation

Wasn’t Texas supposed to be thriving even as the rest of America suffered? Didn’t its governor declare, during his re-election campaign, that “we have billions in surplus”? Yes, it was, and yes, he did. But reality has now intruded.

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DOUTHAT: The continuing paradox of the unborn

This is the paradox of America’s unborn. No life is so desperately sought after, so hungrily desired, so carefully nurtured. And yet no life is so legally unprotected, and so frequently destroyed.

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COLLINS: Balance gun access, rights with sanity

In 2009, Gabrielle Giffords was holding a “Congress on Your Corner” meeting at a Safeway supermarket in her district when a protester, who was waving a sign that said “Don’t Tread on Me,” waved a little too strenuously. The pistol he was carrying under his armpit fell out of his holster.

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HERBERT: Obama casting his lot with the megarich

Consider the extremes. President Barack Obama is redesigning his administration to make it even friendlier toward big business and the megabanks, which is to say the rich, who flourish no matter what is going on with the economy in this country. (They flourish even when they’re hard at work destroying the economy.) Meanwhile, we hear […]

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FARGO: Building futures alongside memories

My hometown and the southern Indiana communities I encountered have much to offer, including hard-working people, clean air and beautiful scenery. To ensure they survive and grow, community and education leaders need to help prepare workers for opportunities in the new economy.

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MAHERN: Kill off townships to save public services

OK, here’s your choice: You can reduce the public library book budget by a million dollars or you can recoup a good portion of that savings by deciding we really don’t need 72 elected public officials to dispense poor relief in Marion County.

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WAGNER: A new generation of Indiana Democrats

The creation of a political generation depends not just on working for a winning candidate, but on that elected official’s making it a priority to place top talent outside of his or her administration.

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LADWIG: Local property rights, Zimbabwe style

Is it hyperbolic to relate anti-colonialism in the African Corn Belt to the machinations of the Capital Improvement Board, the Metropolitan Development Commission or the Indianapolis mayor’s office?

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HOWEY: Daniels still thinking outside the rut

With just two years left in his second term—and beginning only his third year with Republican legislative majorities—Gov. Mitch Daniels presides over a state that has been trapped in a jobless rate hovering around 10 percent for two years.

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