
Fill ‘er up: Gas under $3 per gallon again

Seasonal swings and other factors will likely send gas back over $3 sooner than drivers would like, but the U.S. is on track for the lowest annual average since 2010—and the 2015 average is expected to be lower even still.

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Isaac brings higher gas prices, south and north

As Hurricane Isaac swamps the nation's oil and gas hub along the Gulf Coast, it's delivering sharply higher pump prices to storm-battered residents of Louisiana and Mississippi — and also to unsuspecting drivers up north in Illinois, Indiana and Ohio.

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HAUKE: Oil prices were headed up even before massive spill

That oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is a nasty event that truly deserves all of our attention.
I want to see the hole capped quickly so the environment doesn’t get beat up any more than it already has, but I have
a feeling the economic and political ramifications will be felt for years to come.

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Fund to fuel ethanol use out of gas

A state fund supporting an 18-cent-a-gallon tax credit for gas stations selling E85 ethanol was exhausted in the first three
months of the state’s new fiscal year.

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