U.S. security official mulling expanded airplane laptop ban
Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said Sunday he’s considering banning laptops from the passenger cabins of all international flights to and from the United States.
Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said Sunday he’s considering banning laptops from the passenger cabins of all international flights to and from the United States.
The state is asking vendors to submit bid packages by June 12 for a drug whose price has spiked in recent years.
Indiana’s Management Performance Hub is organizing and analyzing data to help state agencies make better decisions about fighting the opioid scourge and other systemic problems.
A struggling mall turned into a co-working space? An auction that connects startups with C-level execs? Inmates-turned-entrepreneurs? Check out programs and projects in other cities that have garnered national attention and could prompt discussions locally.
Legislative leaders formally announced Thursday that they will form a study commission to look at ways to overhaul Indiana's antiquated and confounding alcohol laws.
The deal resolves a northern Indiana family's decade-long legal fight to clear their names after the Department of Child Services falsely prosecuted them for their daughter's death.
Population estimates released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau show Columbus, Ohio, overtook Indianapolis in 2016.
The company, founded in 2004, focused on developing websites before remaking itself last year into a Salesforce integrator, helping clients improve sales, operations, customer service and marketing by using the San Francisco-based tech giant's platform.
Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb asked the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on Wednesday for permission to impose such a requirement.
Indianapolis-based Bosma Enterprises and other groups on Wednesday sued the Department of Veterans Affairs, alleging the agency ignored a long-standing law when it changed contracting rules that give jobs to the visually impaired. Bosma said it stands to lose $36 million in annual revenue.
The bill to repeal and partially replace Obamacare would reduce the deficit by $119 billion over 10 years, the Congressional Budget Office said.
An Indianapolis City-County Council panel on Tuesday night postponed a vote on their Democratic leader’s proposal to increase the minimum wage of city and county employees to $13 per hour.
Speaking to the American Federation for Children, a group she once led, the education secretary said states that opt out of expanding school choice would be making a "terrible mistake."
Dan Evans, who for 13 years was president and CEO of Indiana University Health, has joined Faegre Baker Daniels Consulting as a senior director in its health and biosciences group.
A coalition of government, business and community groups is posing a big question: How can Indianapolis and surrounding counties best capitalize on the White River?
A key question remains: Will there be enough funding to make a significant difference?
Leigh Ann Pusey will join Eli Lilly and Co. next month as senior vice president for corporate affairs and communications.
Making good on a campaign promise, the Trump administration formally told Congress on Thursday that it intends to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico.
Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky has filed a lawsuit challenging portions of Senate Enrolled Act 404, which in part requires unemancipated minors to obtain consent from a parent or legal guardian before having an abortion.
Indiana's former governor launched Great America Committee, a leadership PAC, a move that will enable him to channel money to congressional Republicans ahead of the 2018 midterm elections.