Whitestown suing wastewater utility for $2.5 million
In a lawsuit filed in Marion Superior Court, Whitestown is suing the wastewater division of Citizens Energy Group for breach of contract and is seeking a refund for connection fees.
In a lawsuit filed in Marion Superior Court, Whitestown is suing the wastewater division of Citizens Energy Group for breach of contract and is seeking a refund for connection fees.
Five years of progress reducing the number of Americans without health insurance has come to a halt. It will be watched closely as Republicans attempt to roll back the Affordable Care Act.
The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra is defending its conductor and leaders, describing claims of age discrimination and harassment made by a tenured musician as “outlandish” and “baseless.”
Lawmakers had big plans in 2017 to overhaul a disjointed workforce-development system, but after nibbling around the edges, they have tossed the hardest work to Gov. Eric Holcomb.
Jennifer Messer, the wife of Rep. Luke Messer, makes drastically more as a contracted legal consultant than either of the city’s two staff attorneys are paid.
Greg Wilson succeeds former Indianapolis police Chief Rick Hite, who accepted a post with the state Department of Correction.
Indianapolis leaders want to encourage businesses to pay livable wages. The City-County Council’s president says that’s a tough sell when the city hasn’t done that for all of its own employees.
A provision tucked into Indiana's next two-year budget sets aside funds to pay for an elaborate plaza built outside the Statehouse and upgrades to the state library to mark last year's state bicentennial.
The city is considering eliminating the highway’s Corridor Overlay, which prohibits residential use and restricts retail, parking, and building locations and sizes.
While the measure is expected to pass the full House, in the Senate, it will need 60 votes to become reality, meaning the GOP will need several Democrats to join their effort.
Indiana Secretary of State Connie Lawson, a Republican, was first appointed to the position in 2012 by then-Gov. Mitch Daniels.
The measure skirted through the House by a 217-213 vote, as all voting Democrats and a group of mostly moderate Republican holdouts voted no.
Republicans began pushing their prized health care bill through the House on Thursday, as the GOP sought a victory for President Donald Trump six weeks after nearly leaving the measure for dead.
Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb has signed a bill into law that will reduce the financial benefits available to those who install solar panels.
Plaintiffs in the case allege Indianapolis’ sole early-voting precinct is discriminatory and constitutes voter suppression.
The local developer’s plan for the problematic downtown property calls for 2.7 million square feet of development, including 250 apartments in the first phase, office and retail space, a hotel and public green space.
The Indiana Supreme Court is denying a request from an attorney who wanted his public records case against Vice President Mike Pence to be given a fresh look amid revelations that the former governor used a private AOL email account to conduct state business.
India’s Infosys Ltd. said it plans to hire 10,000 American employees in the next two years, following criticism from the Trump administration that the company and other outsourcing firms are unfairly taking jobs away from U.S. workers.
In the biggest economic development agreement Indiana has reached in more than a decade, India-based technology consulting firm Infosys Ltd. on Tuesday announced plans to open an $8.7 million tech and innovation hub in central Indiana.
The House’s $1 trillion federal spending bill, crafted over the weekend, includes $50 million for the Red Line. Project funding has been in limbo for more than a year.