Westfield’s Grand Park far from break-even
Since opening in summer 2014, Grand Park has operated millions of dollars in the red and is projecting a $3.86 million deficit next year. Revenue is growing—but so are expenses.
Since opening in summer 2014, Grand Park has operated millions of dollars in the red and is projecting a $3.86 million deficit next year. Revenue is growing—but so are expenses.
Ivy Tech Community College’s new president, Sue Ellspermann, might have just given the school a much-needed political reboot.
Hendricks County-based Safe Hiring Solutions LLC and sister company Safe Recruiter Solutions on Thursday announced plans to expand operations in Indiana.
CliqStudios, the nation’s largest online retailer of semi-custom kitchens, said the studio will employ designers who will work with homeowners nationwide to plan and design construction or remodeling projects.
Indiana's Libertarian Party gubernatorial candidate Rex Bell has been taken to a Richmond hospital after complaining of illness while talking to newspaper reporters.
An Associated Press review of public records shows that Trey Hollingsworth’s company filed papers in five states that require him to live outside Indiana in order to represent his business interests. While the legal issues are relatively “minor,” the paperwork shows sloppiness, a legal expert says.
A key aide to Donald Trump’s vice presidential nominee, Gov. Mike Pence, continues to earn $23,000 a month as Indiana’s sole Washington lobbyist even as he has taken a paid position with the Republican presidential campaign.
Team 360 Services has expanded rapidly since starting in 2005 as a cleaner of restaurant exhaust systems. It now provides a range of fire-protection and building services and employs 300 nationally.
Makers of insulin became the latest target for Sen. Bernie Sanders, who has been going after pharmaceutical companies one by one over the issue of high U.S. drug prices.
TriMedx, a provider of health care technology management services, said it would invest the money in its 78,000-square-foot corporate headquarters near West 71st Street and Zionsville Road and elsewhere in the state.
Lewellyn Technology plans to add a training center to its current headquarters.
Gov. Mike Pence made a home-state stop on Sunday and substantially altered the campaign speech he gives around the country as a vice presidential candidate to boost the Republican in the governor’s race.
Vice presidential candidate Mike Pence's campaign plane slid off a runway during a rainstorm at New York's LaGuardia Airport on Thursday. The Port Authority said there were no injuries.
Indiana Republicans are playing defense this year, as they try to guard their supermajorities in the Indiana General Assembly.
Democrat John Gregg and Republican Eric Holcomb said during a debate Tuesday they would support more drug treatment and prevention programs.
In an effort to clear up confusion, the legislature passed a law earlier this year that requires voters to select each candidate they wish for at-large county council and town council seats.
Republican Eric Holcomb and Democrat John Gregg are going into the last two weeks of their contentious campaign for the Indiana governor’s office by facing each other in a final televised debate Tuesday evening.
Obamacare premiums will go up sharply next year under and many consumers will be down to just one insurer to choose from, the administration confirmed Monday.
The revelations in the schedule raise new questions about Evan Bayh's ties to Indiana and his use of official funds as he campaigns to help Democrats retake the Senate.
A Democratic-aligned group at the center of an Indiana investigation into possible voter fraud said Thursday it focused on registering black residents of Indiana because the state had the nation's lowest overall voter turnout in 2014.