
Why violence, segregation and single parenthood are depressing Indianapolis incomes

Jim Streitelmeier, the pastor of Neighborhood Fellowship, has a specific year when he thinks Indianapolis’ social problems really took off:1973. That’s when Indianapolis Public Schools began busing black students to predominantly white schools in order to, at long last, integrate them. And it’s also the year Indiana passed a no-fault divorce law.

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Leaders bedeviled by single-parent families

Policymakers on both the left and right have long felt hamstrung when it comes to addressing the problems that decades of social science research have shown hurt the economic prospects, not only of those in the midst of them, but everyone else in the community.

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Is Indy holding back its kids?

Each year children spend growing up in the Indianapolis area causes them to fall further and further behind their peers nationally in future earnings potential.

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Bond bank will manage Carmel debt

Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard is trying to streamline the city’s debt management with a new Local Public Improvement Bond Bank. But it’s not clear whether his method in creating the bond bank, his choices for key positions, and his proposed combination of smaller bonds follow state guidelines and best practices.

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Senate approves dozens of bills as deadline looms

The Indiana Senate on Tuesday cleared out the last of the measures it had on the calendar. The details of other more contentious bills will be negotiated between House and Senate leaders in the coming days in the hopes of reaching agreement.

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