UPDATE: Debate renewed over Sunday alcohol sales
Big-box grocery chains and liquor store lobbyists bickered in front of lawmakers Wednesday over the latest attempt to lift Indiana's longtime ban on Sunday carryout alcohol sales.
Big-box grocery chains and liquor store lobbyists bickered in front of lawmakers Wednesday over the latest attempt to lift Indiana's longtime ban on Sunday carryout alcohol sales.
A measure that would finance improvements to Indiana's transportation infrastructure by raising cigarette and gasoline taxes was approved by a House transportation committee Wednesday.
The bill would provide one-time funding from reserve funds that are set aside when the state distributes shares of income taxes to local governments.
Whether the 2015 ISTEP should be re-scored due to well-documented problems with the roll-out and administration of the exam is once again pitting GOP leaders in the Legislature against Superintendent of Public Instruction Glenda Ritz.
Indiana pharmacists could get the legal right to refuse to sell a common cold medicine used to make methamphetamine to suspicious customers under a bill a Senate committee approved Tuesday.
Shenandoah Schools, northeast of Indianapolis, owed nothing on its December power bill thanks to the electricity a wind-driven turbine generated.
Indiana Chamber of Commerce CEO Kevin Brinegar said business leaders hoped the first-term Republican would use his State of the State address “to close the book on the … issue.”
Indiana legislators are poised to start debates on how to combat growing methamphetamine production in Indiana, but adding a prescription requirement for one of the illegal drug's key ingredients is off the table.
Mayor Joe Hogsett has put his own stamp on the board that owns most of the city’s major sports facilities and oversees its relationship with pro teams.
A bill speeding through the Legislature that would give schools relief from last year’s drop in ISTEP scores won’t offer much protection for the state’s most struggling schools.
Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma said Thursday that there's less of a chance that the Legislature will approve civil rights protections for gay and transgender people following comments made by Gov. Mike Pence during his annual State of the State address
A bill sparing Indiana schools from a drop in A-F grades resulting from this year's sharp decline in student ISTEP scores now goes to the full House for consideration after the chamber's education committee approved it Thursday.
A new proposal to lift Indiana's eight decades-old ban on Sunday carryout alcohol sales would impose fewer new restrictions on grocery stores and pharmacies than a bill that failed in the Legislature last year.
Patients who have been injured or killed as the result of negligence by Indiana hospitals and physicians could win more cash under proposed changes to Indiana’s Medical Malpractice Act.
Westfield officials have finally chosen a design—a series of modern, glass-and-stone structures with walking paths and bridges—for Grand Junction Plaza, a project that’s already more than seven years in the planning.
The new Democratic mayor says he supports charter schools but is more interested in quality than quantity.
Senate Bill 73, making cursive mandatory in schools, passed out of the Education and Career Development committee Wednesday with a 6-4 vote.
Banks support proposed state legislation that could prevent Hoosier homeowners from using a settlement process to avoid foreclosure. But the sponsor of a bill with the controversial provision says he will strike it.
Allied Solutions LLC, a Carmel-based firm that serves the financial sector, is planning construction of a five-story building in the Midtown area, more than doubling the size of its existing headquarters.
General Manager Scott Prince said adoption "has been stronger than we had hoped." Another 20 charging stations are set to open by the end of February.