U.S. applications for jobless aid continue decline
The U.S. job market continues to appear strikingly robust. Over the past 12 months, the number of people collecting unemployment benefits has dropped 7.7 percent to 2.2 million.
The U.S. job market continues to appear strikingly robust. Over the past 12 months, the number of people collecting unemployment benefits has dropped 7.7 percent to 2.2 million.
The pay increases will be based on performance evaluations that are completed in January, and could reach as high as 6 percent for outstanding work.
The audit of Terre Haute’s finances raise doubts about its ability to continue to operate as a municipality. It notes that the city is one of those hardest hit by reductions in property values and property tax caps.
The list of projects slated over three years includes about 30 more roundabouts, other street improvements, and land acquisition. It would lead to property tax increases for most residents.
The operation, which is expected to employ 136 in Steuben County by 2019, will convert scrap plastic into ultra-low sulfur diesel and gasoline blendstocks.
Recipients for tree inventory and analysis included Elkhart, $20,000; Kendallville, $17,425; West Lafayette, $18,562; and Pendleton, $11,575.
The Greenfield-based furniture maker blew the whistle on a Dallas-based rival that failed to pay duties on furniture imported from China, the Justice Department said.
The lieutenant governor says she's been approached about becoming president of Ivy Tech Community College, and Gov. Mike Pence's spokesman says Pence has encouraged her to seek the job.
Officials in four Indiana areas that failed to win a share of the tens of millions of dollars in the Regional Cities competition are looking to other sources fund their dream projects.
New benefit corporation structure will make it possible for firms to write priorities besides profit—such as philanthropy, environmental concerns or workplace wellness—directly into their bylaws.
The $2.7 million grant will help pay for a study to analyze which manufacturers, cities and towns will be most affected by the cuts.
Indiana lawmakers have yet to gather for the 2016 legislative session, but a fight is shaping up over a proposed law that would require a prescription to buy a common cold medicine also used to make methamphetamine.
Rep. Eric Koch, a Republican from Bedford, said he’ll seek the seat of Sen. Brent Steele of Bedford, who plans to retire at the end of his term in 2016.
A road-funding proposal from Republican leaders of the Indiana House that includes increasing the state's gasoline and cigarette taxes received a tepid response Thursday from Gov. Mike Pence.
Officials say the first phase of a rapid transit line that should eventually connect Westfield to Greenwood won’t be delayed even though the Indianapolis region missed out on a share of $84 million in state funding from the Regional Cities Initiative.
The proposed merger of Dow Chemical Co. and DuPont Co. would create the world’s largest agricultural-products company. But that’s bad news for farmers, according to some farm groups and antitrust experts.
A selection committee that reviewed 104 proposals chose New York artist Osman Akan to create a sculpture called “Enduring Flame” and Bloomington artist Dale Enochs to build a sculpture called the “Living Time Piece.”
State Rep. Alan Morrison, R-Terre Haute, said he will author a bill that would add basic consumer protectors and transparency to the sites.
A road-funding proposal from Indiana House Republicans would add a projected 5 cents a gallon to the state's gas tax.
The Indiana Economic Development Corp. said Thursday morning that it has reached job-creation incentive deals with 17 companies across the state, including 14 businesses in Indianapolis.