
Indiana lawmakers send tougher ethics bill to Pence

Indiana legislators gave final approval Monday to a state ethics law overhaul that requires greater financial disclosure by lawmakers and expressly prohibits elected officials from using state resources for political purposes.

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Pence planning May trade mission to China

Pence will travel with a delegation of Hoosier business leaders to Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou, the capital city of Zhejiang Province, Indiana’s Chinese sister-state. The delegation plans to leave May 9 and return May 16.

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Deal calls for special study of ISTEP exam’s future

Some senators had pushed a bill calling for replacement of the exam with an "off-the-shelf" test in hopes of saving millions of dollars. But House members favored keeping ISTEP in place while undertaking a special review of a possible overhaul.

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Downtown TIF district awash in cash

The Indianapolis downtown TIF district is so flush with cash that the mayor can cover all its debt payments, fund two layers of reserves, and still have tens of millions to spend at his discretion.

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Geofeedia mulling moving HQ here

Chicago-based Geofeedia opened an Indianapolis office last December, which now hosts 26 of its 45 employees. It recently committed to adding 336 more Indiana workers by 2020 in an economic development deal with the state.

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Lawmakers still unsettled over more live casino dealers

The question of whether the two horse track casinos in central Indiana will be allowed to add live dealers for their current electronic table games remained unsettled Monday with little more than a week left in this year's legislative session.

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