
Mass transit bill creates fuzzy path forward

Local governments finally have the authority to build a mass-transit system, but they also have work to do and questions to answer before they can ask voters to pay for new rapid-transit lines and expanded bus service.

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Governor picks up pace on bill signings

Gov. Mike Pence continued signing into law measures dealing with everything from adoption to control of feral cat populations as the clock wound down on taking action on bills from the 2014 session.

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GE Aviation promises long-term commitment to state

GE Aviation chose Indiana for its $100 million plant partly because of the potential for hiring talent from and working on advanced-manufacturing research with Purdue University. The state’s business-friendly environment also played a role.

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Common Core spawns widespread political fights

More than five years after U.S. governors began a bipartisan effort to set new standards in American schools, the Common Core initiative has morphed into a political tempest fueling division among Republicans.

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