
FEIGENBAUM: Lawmakers press ahead on education issues

The business community has turned a keen collective eye to a passel of bills that seek to improve education, including measures that would authorize Indianapolis Public Schools to enter into an agreement with a school-management team to establish innovative network schools, allow charter school support to be distributed at the organizer level; and create a career and technical education diploma.

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Mayor wants to lure high-earners to boost income-tax base

Mayor Greg Ballard’s chief deputy has spent the past six months telling community and business leaders that the city simply cannot cut its way out of its revenue problems; it also needs to attract more people to live within city boundaries so they will pay their income tax to Indianapolis.

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Doubt over how to run effective preschools derailed bill

Sen. Luke Kenley scuttled a pilot program of state-funded preschool vouchers for low-income families on Feb. 19, instead sending it to a summer committee to investigate 10 questions he said will help make sure Indiana launches a worthwhile program.

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Homeowners in flood zones fear insurance spike

Steep increases are being felt from south Louisiana to New England to Columbus, Ind., are required by the Biggert-Waters Reform Act of 2012. That legislation, signed by President Obama two years ago, set into motion a process designed to start shaving down the flood insurance system's mounting deficit.

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House committee votes to nix Common Core

The full House now will consider the controversial proposal to opt out of federal standards and allow Indiana to make its own benchmarks for preparing students for college and careers after high school.

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