
With supplies low, it’s overtime in road salt mines

The national supply of road salt is running low. New York has declared a state of emergency, while Indiana, Wisconsin, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and other states have disclosed their difficulties in covering streets and sidewalks amid a long-running cold snap.

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Experts see limits to state’s low-tax strategy

Thanks to a concerted effort to lower taxes and government spending, Indiana ousted Texas this year in the Tax Foundation’s annual ranking of business tax climates. Indiana now holds the No. 10 spot and could rise higher by eliminating the business personal property tax, an equipment tax that experts say deters investment.

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Much of ambitious legislative agenda remains alive

Despite concerns that debating a constitutional amendment defining marriage would rip our state apart, that didn’t happen and the General Assembly has proven quite productive—as well as judicious in deciding what issues not to become entangled in during the “short” session.

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