
Shutdown orders issued as Congress misses deadline

For the first time in nearly two decades, the federal government staggered into a partial shutdown Monday at midnight after congressional Republicans demanded changes in the nation's health care law and President Barack Obama and Democrats refused.

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Auction lands $2.1 million for Elona Biotech assets

Elona went into receivership in June after Greenwood officials filed a foreclosure lawsuit against the firm. The company failed after receiving more than $8 million in economic development incentives from the city over the past three years.

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Sides speak out in hearing over so-called ag-gag bill

The debate before the Economic Development Study Committee comes five months after House Speaker Brian Bosma killed a bill that would have made it a crime to secretly shoot photos or video on private property with the goal of harming a business.

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Indy council Democrats pitch budget alternative

City-County Council Democrats are pitching a 2014 budget alternative that would close an $8-million gap left by the majority party's refusal to go along with Mayor Greg Ballard on eliminating the homestead tax credit.

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State’s longest-serving female representative dies

Phyllis Pond of New Haven was a retired kindergarten teacher first elected to her Fort Wayne-area district in 1978. The 82-year-old's legislative work included pushing measures that reduced class sizes throughout the state and helped minority students attend law school.

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