Probes uncover inner workings of state government
Many stories have been unearthed by Indiana media recently, showing a government that often operates more in private than public.
Many stories have been unearthed by Indiana media recently, showing a government that often operates more in private than public.
The Indiana attorney general's office last week signed onto a friend-of-the-court brief asking the U.S. Supreme Court to exempt public bodies from screening opening prayers for sectarian references.
The odor was so strong after the spill in December that residents in the upscale neighborhood called the gas company to report a leak.
Top Statehouse Democrats called Thursday for a review of the Indiana inspector general's office following several cases that they say raise questions about the ethics code applied to those in the executive branch of state government.
It's hardly uncommon to go from being employed by Indiana's government to lobbying it, but an increasing number are making the jump without sitting out the customary one-year "cooling-off" period.
States are viewed as having wide latitude to regulate alcohol sales.
Carmel City Council members exerted their influence over redevelopment commission expenses Monday, denying a $60,000 contract extension for longtime Executive Director Les Olds despite Mayor Jim Brainard’s pleas to keep him on the job.
A northwestern Indiana lawmaker says he will push a measure next year that would change state law to allow local governments to file for bankruptcy like Detroit did in July.
Little Raymond’s Print Shop Inc. has requested a property-tax break on $975,000 in manufacturing equipment needed for its screen-printing facility.
City Securities Corp. has dominated the Indiana municipal bond market for decades, but the firm’s recent $580,000 settlement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission could give issuers pause and competitors a foot in the door in the underwriting business.
While some Americans question the National Security Agency’s habit of amassing citizens’ phone records, former Indianapolis Mayor Steve Goldsmith urges city governments to dive into “big data.”
Facing pressure to boost the police force and avoid further cuts in city services, Indianapolis leaders head into the next budget season with open minds about a tax increase.
Madison County officials say the company that owns the race track owes $125,000 in overdue property taxes. The Speedway believes it has been charged too much.
Florida’s education commissioner resigned Thursday amid allegations that he changed the grade of a charter school run by a major Republican donor during his previous job as Indiana’s school chief.
When FSSA revealed the breach a month ago, it said it possibly affected more than 187,000 people, including the Social Security numbers of as many as 3,926 clients who receive food stamps, Medicaid and other welfare benefits.
The IURC said Wednesday the new 930 area code will be an overlay inside the existing 812 area code. Customers seeking new land lines or wireless numbers in that area will get the new 930 area code.
‘Dealer markups’ in jeopardy in push to protect consumers.
A leading Indiana business organization says it doesn't expect to get involved in what could be a contentious fight next year over whether to add a same-sex marriage ban to the state constitution.
Reflex & Allen Group will add a tube-extrusion a facility it opened near the former Indianapolis International Airport in March 2012.
Five global financing and construction teams want to build the next stage of Interstate 69 from Bloomington to Martinsville.