Two automotive suppliers plan expansions in Marion County
Innovative Coating Solutions and Reflex & Allen USA expect to add a total of 93 employees over five years and are seeking tax breaks on $3.5 million in new equipment.
Innovative Coating Solutions and Reflex & Allen USA expect to add a total of 93 employees over five years and are seeking tax breaks on $3.5 million in new equipment.
A homegrown revival in Shelbyville could gain serious momentum with redevelopment of the vacant First Methodist Building, one of the most prominent buildings on the circle. A California investor bought the five-story building in May and plans a $3.5 million renovation.
The ill-fated Di Rimini apartment project that city officials halted three years ago because of numerous code violations is set to be resurrected by two local businessmen.
American Specialty Health has lined up office space along North Meridian Street. The company may establish Carmel as its new headquarters.
Gov. Mike Pence on Thursday praised budget closeout numbers showing the state with $93 million in an ongoing surplus and $86 million more than expected in cash reserves.
When it opens next spring, the aptly named Grand Park Sports Campus will be the largest youth sports complex of its kind in the country.
Gov. Mike Pence announced Wednesday that Karl Browning will serve as his new INDOT commissioner.
Lisle, Ill.-based Catamaran Corp. has committed to hiring 104 full-time, permanent employees next year and a total of 205 by 2015.
The panel is tasked with identifying available jobs, determining which skills are needed to fill them and analyzing where the state is spending job-training money, and likely realigning those efforts.
About 4,000 civilians who work at the Defense Finance and Accounting Services center in Lawrence are facing 11 unpaid furlough days this summer.
Indiana and German leaders are focusing on training Indiana residents to fill the skills gap between available work and unemployed Hoosiers.
When state Auditor Tim Berry was tapped last week to run the Indiana Republican Party, Gov. Mike Pence answered some key political questions.
Indiana began exempting aviation fuel and maintenance and service work on planes from its 7-percent state sales tax effective Monday. It has substituted a flat 10 cents-per-gallon excise tax for fuel purchases.
More than 100 uniformed police officers will be deployed within weeks on Indianapolis' streets to combat a rise in violent crime, under a plan unveiled by the mayor and other city officials.
The measure, which took effect Monday, allows people to be evaluated and treated by a physical therapist for 24 calendar days without a doctor's referral.
The job growth suggests a stronger economy and makes it more likely the Federal Reserve will slow its bond purchases before year’s end.
The Midwestern city best known for its basketball and auto racing is gearing up for a proper game of cricket — the ball-and-bat sport most Americans know only from British films or by surfing through international sports channels.
A leading opponent of the plan for regional mass transit is floating an alternative that calls for widening north-south commuter corridors like Martin Luther King Jr. Street, Capitol Avenue and College Avenue.
Judges have spoken and people have celebrated, but human resources departments remain confounded on what will change for their companies with the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act.
Hostess Brands LLC wants to have its Indianapolis plant in full production by the end of next week, an executive said Wednesday. The company received a tax incentive agreement worth $536,000 from the city on Wednesday.