Indiana county allowed to develop fertilizer plant
The state won't stand in the way of a fertilizer plant that a Pakistan-based group is developing in southwestern Indiana despite reservations expressed by Gov. Mike Pence, his office said Tuesday.
The state won't stand in the way of a fertilizer plant that a Pakistan-based group is developing in southwestern Indiana despite reservations expressed by Gov. Mike Pence, his office said Tuesday.
The Indiana Supreme Court has upheld fines levied by House Republicans against Democrats for their 2011 legislative walkout over right-to-work legislation.
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence announced Monday he will shuffle where state agencies focus most of their efforts. State Budget Director Chris Atkins said the new priorities reflect the goals that Pence laid out in his campaign.
A federal lawsuit says Indiana's social services agency has made changes to Medicaid waiver programs that threaten to deprive thousands of developmentally disabled people of income they need to survive outside of institutions.
The new owners of Hostess Brands are seeking a tax abatement to support investment of $10 million in new equipment for a plant on the east side that could employ up to 145 people.
The city of Indianapolis won't try to take back properties that were sold by its Indy Land Bank to suspect not-for-profits or to Naptown Housing Group LLC, in which former land bank director Reggie Walton is alleged to be a silent partner.
The tournament is slated for the new Indianapolis World Sports Park on the far-east side for three years beginning in 2014, the USA Cricket Association said.
Sunright America, a maker of nuts, bolts and specialty fasteners, plans to invest $35 million to build and equip two additional facilities on its 33-acre campus.
The executive director of the Land Bank of Indianapolis anticipates working with the city to issue a request for qualifications aimed at charitable and for-profit entities interested in acquiring properties.
Greenwood Mayor Mark Myers says city officials had tried for months to help with talks with possible investors for Elona Biotechnologies, without any progress.
The Indiana State Fair Foundation says 100 pairs of platform-mounted seats are being sold for $1,000 each. All the money raised from the sale will help pay for the ongoing $63 million renovation of the 1939 Fairgrounds Coliseum.
A group of state officials is seeking advice from Indiana’s ethics commission about potential conflicts of interest from new jobs and old relationships.
The governor wrote to lawmakers Monday asking them to sustain his veto of retroactively implementing local income taxes for Pulaski and Jackson counties. But House and Senate leaders pushed the override, saying the bill corrects a mistake by the state.
Wisconsin-based B-Cycle LLC received a contract to spend up to $1.5 million to install its electronic stations and purchase bikes. Any spending beyond the federal funds will be covered by the Indianapolis Cultural Trail Inc.
The law is meant to help seniors fight back against more subtle manipulation that happens when a caregiver, friend or loved one uses intimidation—but not force—to gain access to money, credit cards or other resources.
The strategic planning project is holding a series of neighborhood roundtable meetings this month in hopes of having final recommendations for the future of downtown by the end of the year.
Gov. Mike Pence wrote to lawmakers Monday asking them to sustain his veto of retroactively implementing local income taxes for Pulaski and Jackson counties.
The city is prepared to award $1.5 million in federal funds to Wisconsin-based B-Cycle LLC, which would provide the service along the 8-mile route downtown.
The worst may be over for drivers in the upper Midwest who have been grappling with the highest gasoline prices in the continental U.S.
Total tax receipts from casinos fell nearly 18 percent last month compared with May of last year, according a report released Monday by the Indiana Gaming Commission.