
Counties worry about cost of sentencing overhaul

Indiana counties could be forced to pay some of the costs of a change in the state’s criminal code that is designed to keep low-level offenders out of prison while ensuring the worst serve more of their sentences.

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Indiana withdraws support for fertilizer plant

State officials have withdrawn incentives for a fertilizer plant over concerns about whether its Pakistan-based owners are doing enough at their overseas operations to keep the potentially explosive material from being used against U.S. troops.

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Oesterle sells land to Angie’s List, reaping millions

Angie’s List Inc. CEO Bill Oesterle has collected millions of dollars over the years by renting to the company property for its campus along East Washington Street. Now, the landlord and chief executive is pocketing millions more by selling Angie’s the property, at well above its assessed value.

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Indiana schools seeing more success with tax hikes

Indiana school districts that won voters' approval last week for the majority of the tax increases they had sought to boost school funding may be becoming more skilled at selling the public on the need for those tax hikes.

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