
Health care startups hungry for funds

Frustrated by up-and-down state funding for startup life sciences companies, industry leaders are talking up a plan to create a dedicated funding stream that could total $30 million a year.

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Digital billboards gaining local support

Clear Channel Outdoor, which owns most of the billboards within city limits, has lined up two city-county councilors to sponsor a bill that would loosen a decade-old ban on digital billboards.

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Pence names Indiana judge as child services chief

Gov. Mike Pence turned to the top judge of one toughest juvenile court systems in the state to lead the troubled Indiana Department of Child Services, naming Lake County's Mary Beth Bonaventura to direct the agency Wednesday.

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Defense attorneys in Bales case trash former co-defendant

Attorney and developer Paul J. Page is no longer a co-defendant in the fraud trial of real estate broker John M. Bales and partner Bill Spencer. But you wouldn’t know it from the action Tuesday in U.S. District Court. Only now, rather than federal prosecutors, it’s defense attorneys for Bales and Spencer who are targeting Page.

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Glass company faces more fines for safety violations

The state wants to fine Pilkington North America $231,000 following another round of safety concerns at a Shelbyville factory. This is at least the third time in less than a year, and fourth time since 2010, that the state has stepped in to address problems at the plant.

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Bales defense: Elkhart deal was a ‘scheme to help’

Facing a looming deadline to find suitable office space for the state Department of Child Services, Indianapolis real estate broker John M. Bales and partner Bill Spencer in 2008 dipped into their own pockets to help close a difficult lease deal, their defense attorneys contend.

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Uninsured children expected to grow Medicaid rolls

The analyst hired by the state to estimate the impact of the federal health care law told Indiana lawmakers Tuesday that an unintended consequence could unearth tens of thousands of children who qualify for Medicaid but are not enrolled.

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