
Ballard won’t levy charter fee, despite fiscal squeeze

Mayor Greg Ballard is nationally recognized as a rigorous charter authorizer, picky about which schools open and willing to shut down the under-performers. But there is a cost to the city’s education work and Ballard may have to consider how much of it can be supported by the city’s maxed-out general fund alone.

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I-69 leg gobbling up state’s road funding

As legislators brace for a $250 million annual transportation spending gap down the road, the Indiana Department of Transportation has designated more than one-third of its entire federal highway aid this year toward building 27 miles of Interstate 69 between Crane and Bloomington.

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Judge OKs sale of Indiana’s oldest ethanol plant

A joint venture bought the New Energy Corp. plant at auction last week for $2.5 million. New Energy had hoped the auction would cover the company’s $54 million in debt. A large portion of that debt is owed to the U.S. Department of Energy, which guaranteed the original loans.

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Pence supports large expansion of voucher program

Pence policy director Marilee Springer told members of the House education committee Tuesday that the governor supports a sweeping package of education changes that would end a one-year waiting period to obtain the scholarships.

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FBI agent references Brizzi in Bales trial testimony

Federal prosecutors rested their fraud case against John M. Bales and partner William E. Spencer on Monday after a full day of testimony from FBI Special Agent Brian Percival that included several references to former Marion County Prosecutor Carl Brizzi.

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