
Pennsylvania to sue NCAA over Sandusky-related penalty

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett said he will sue the Indianapolis-based National Collegiate Athletic Association, challenging a $60 million fine levied against Penn State University for its role in the Jerry Sandusky sex-abuse scandal.

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Despite deal, taxes to rise for most Americans

While the tax package that Congress passed New Year's Day will protect 99 percent of Americans from an income tax increase, most of them will still end up paying significantly more federal taxes in 2013.

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Cliff avoided: Congress staves off tax hikes

Past its own New Year's deadline, a weary Congress sent President Barack Obama legislation to avoid a national "fiscal cliff" of middle class tax increases and spending cuts late Tuesday night in the culmination of a struggle that strained America's divided government to the limit.

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Ballard nixes new redistricting plan for Council

Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard on Friday vetoed a City-County Council redistricting plan, likely setting the stage for a lengthy court battle. He wants to stick with the lines drawn by Republicans in late 2011, before newly elected Democrats took control.

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Daniels fell short on lifting incomes

As Gov. Mitch Daniels leaves office in January, there is debate about whether his policies of keeping taxes and spending low, while pursuing alternative strategies to improve roads and schools, have been the best way to help Indiana attract and create more high-wage, knowledge-based jobs.

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