
Lottery could expand to grow state’s take

The $791 million Hoosier Lottery threw open bidding July 11 for a 10-year contract on marketing, sales and distribution services. The lottery wants to be among the fastest-growing in the country, and it’s looking to the gambling industry to help it reach that goal.

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City decides on half block for transit hub

The Mayor’s Office and local mass transit leaders have reached consensus on a site for a $30 million downtown transit center. The preferred location is a city-owned surface parking lot along Washington Street between the City-County Building and Marion County Jail.

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City plans bid on 2018 Super Bowl

Officials are emboldened by the financial results of the city’s first time hosting the NFL championship game in February, which produced a direct economic impact of $176 million, according to a study commissioned by the Indianapolis Super Bowl Host Committee.

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Indiana can’t collect on IBM welfare lawsuit, judge rules

Indiana cannot collect millions of dollars it claims IBM owed after its efforts to overhaul the state’s welfare system failed, and the computer giant is entitled to payment for equipment the state kept, a judge said in a Wednesday ruling that condemned both sides.

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Bar owners challenging smoking ban seek injunction

The 10 Indianapolis business owners want a federal judge to prevent the city of Indianapolis from enforcing new public smoking restrictions until a ruling is made on their lawsuit. Their original complaint claims the ordinance violates parts of the U.S. Constitution.

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IDI taps not-for-profit veteran to succeed Zahn

Sherry Seiwert, executive director of the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority, replaces longtime leader Tamara Zahn, who announced in February that she would leave once a successor was found.

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