
Pence maintains massive money lead in race for governor

U.S. Rep. Mike Pence reported Monday that he raised $1.8 million through the first three months of 2012. Democrat John Gregg raised $585,000 during the same period. Pence had $4.9 million in his campaign coffers compared to Gregg's $1.5 million.

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BMV chief avoiding specialty-plates debate

A legislative committee is expected over the summer to review the policies under which some 100 schools and organizations have obtained the specialty plates that supporters can buy for their vehicles.

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Indiana panel set to start review of $205M tax error

A leading legislator said he expects the State Budget Committee to take some time reviewing a second computer programming mistake made by the Indiana Department of Revenue that short-changed local governments by about $205 million.

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Lugar strong, but Mourdock more poised in debate

After struggling at times during the early Republican primary campaign, U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar sounded more like the legislator he's been for the past 35 years in a debate Wednesday night with Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock.

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Plan envisions hot growth for downtown Indianapolis

A study commissioned by the office of Mayor Greg Ballard envisions a much more densely populated, walkable downtown core stretched by several blocks and supported by another Circle Centre mall's worth of retail and enough new office space to double the size of Chase Tower.

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Lugar, foes spar on outside campaign spending

Longtime U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar appears to be shifting his re-election message to focus on attacking national interest groups, which the Republican accuses of having an exaggerated say in his Indiana race.

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Board delays decision on Broad Ripple parking garage

An attorney for Keystone Construction Corp. asked the five-member board to delay a hearing on the garage to allow the developer to meet with officials from the City of Indianapolis’ Department of Public Works about construction of a levee system along White River.

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