Drive to boost highway funding is run off road
Indiana would have received nearly $300 million in additional funding if the proposal by Sen. Dan Coats had been successful.
Indiana would have received nearly $300 million in additional funding if the proposal by Sen. Dan Coats had been successful.
Right-to-work, smoking ban were only two of a long list of actions taken.
State lawmakers finished their work in Indianapolis this month, but the end of the 2012 General Assembly signaled the beginning of crunch time for a full-time staff charged with sorting out what happened during the contentious short session.
Keystone Group, Turkish immigrant Ersal Ozdemir’s 10-year-old development firm, is orchestrating some of central Indiana’s most ambitious projects, including a $15M Broad Ripple parking garage and the $60M million mixed-use Sophia Square in Carmel.
The successor to France Cordova, who is stepping down this summer when her contract expires, will have to tip-toe between two almost contradictory demands: Cut costs for students yet spend more to ramp up Purdue’s research enterprise.
Former partners in Kosene & Kosene Development have settled a legal dispute that jeopardized redevelopment of the vacant former Bank One Operations Center downtown. Milhaus Development has until May 1 to begin construction.
Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard on Thursday appointed new directors for the Department of Public Works and the Department of Parks and Recreation.
The Indiana Supreme Court ruled unanimously Thursday that ousted Secretary of State Charlie White had been eligible to run for office in 2010, rejecting a Democratic challenge and clearing the way for Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels to appoint a replacement.
Carmel City Councilor Eric Seidensticker on Thursday morning proposed an ordinance that would require the council to sign off on any additional debt. The ordinance is backed by at least five of the seven councilors.
Noblesville-based Helmer Inc. said it will invest $10.6 million to build a new manufacturing and headquarters facility at the Saxony Corporate Campus near Interstate 69. It plans to add the jobs by 2014.
U.S. Rep. Mike Pence was set to begin a statewide "listening" tour as Hoosiers wait to hear more specific ideas from the Republican gubernatorial hopeful.
Rates are set to rise as insurers increasingly note the link between older workers’ health and productivity.
Concept is likely ahead of technical ability to make it work.
Hospitals around Indianapolis and the nation are expanding programs to help people before they become patients. They are trying to teach cooking as well as treat cancer, to do social work as well as do surgery.
Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard has appointed Jason Kloth as deputy mayor of education, a new cabinet-level position that reflects Ballard’s recent shift toward taking a more active role in education.
Three employees of an Anderson department that receives federal money for affordable housing have been fired for failing to notify city and federal officials that they had relatives whose housing was paid for with the funds.
The Indiana State Fairgrounds generated $124 million in visitor spending in 2011 and has an annual impact on the local economy similar to a factory employing 500 people, according to a study released Wednesday.
A state education official said Monday's accident was the first fatality of a school-age child riding or getting on or off an Indiana school bus since 2009.
A Monroe County commissioner is pushing to invalidate a Bloomington planning panel's vote that added a contentious section of the Indianapolis-to-Evansville Interstate 69 extension to the group's local highway plan.
Indiana’s unemployment rate fell to 8.7 percent in January as the state added 13,000 private-sector jobs, the largest monthly increase in more than a year.