
Ozdemir emerges as powerhouse in Indianapolis real estate

Keystone Group, Turkish immigrant Ersal Ozdemir’s 10-year-old development firm, is orchestrating some of central Indiana’s most ambitious projects, including a $15M Broad Ripple parking garage and the $60M million mixed-use Sophia Square in Carmel.

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Next Purdue chief must cut costs but boost research

The successor to France Cordova, who is stepping down this summer when her contract expires, will have to tip-toe between two almost contradictory demands: Cut costs for students yet spend more to ramp up Purdue’s research enterprise.

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Deal rekindles $45M downtown project

Former partners in Kosene & Kosene Development have settled a legal dispute that jeopardized redevelopment of the vacant former Bank One Operations Center downtown. Milhaus Development has until May 1 to begin construction.

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Supreme Court rejects Democrats’ election-chief challenge

The Indiana Supreme Court ruled unanimously Thursday that ousted Secretary of State Charlie White had been eligible to run for office in 2010, rejecting a Democratic challenge and clearing the way for Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels to appoint a replacement.

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Carmel councilors want final say on city’s debt

Carmel City Councilor Eric Seidensticker on Thursday morning proposed an ordinance that would require the council to sign off on any additional debt. The ordinance is backed by at least five of the seven councilors.

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