
Lawmakers back penalties over farm lawsuits

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 6-3 Wednesday in favor of the bill that would give judges discretion on whether to order the person filing a frivolous lawsuit to pay the farm’s court costs and attorney fees.

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Sugarland attorneys: Injured fair fans share in blame

Attorneys for country duo Sugarland say concertgoers were at least partly to blame for injuries suffered in the 2011 stage collapse at the Indiana State Fair. The stance drew a sharp reaction from fans Tuesday and prompted the band’s manager to issue a statement criticizing the finger-pointing.

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Charlie White cries foul on residency, cites other cases

The ousted secretary of state claims Sen. Richard Lugar and former Sen. Evan Bayh vote from Indiana despite living near Washington, D.C. Lugar doesn't own a home in Indiana, and tea party activists want his candidacy disqualified as a result.

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IDEM: I-69 construction affecting streams

The Indiana Department of Transportation and a contractor on the Interstate 69 project downstate have been cited for more than a dozen deficiencies in preventing erosion and the flow of sediment into streams.

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State to motorists: You break it, you buy it

Crash into a guardrail and chances are now higher that your insurer—or you—will get a repair bill from the Indiana Department of Transportation. INDOT has deployed a new way of tracking damage to state property at crash scenes and quickly collecting money from those responsible.

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