State unemployment rate inches up to 9 percent
Indiana’s jobless rate rose to 9 percent in October, up from 8.9 percent the previous month, marking the fifth straight month the state’s unemployment rate has risen.
Indiana’s jobless rate rose to 9 percent in October, up from 8.9 percent the previous month, marking the fifth straight month the state’s unemployment rate has risen.
The Indiana AFL-CIO organized the rally to coincide with the General Assembly's pro forma "Organization Day" on Tuesday.
The Dow Jones industrial average lost almost 250 points after the special committee of Congress assigned to come up with $1.2 trillion in deficit cuts over 10 years indicated that there would be no deal.
Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma says that passing a contentious right-to-work proposal will be his top priority during the coming legislative session.
A memo that sparked concern among Indiana's school districts by saying they would begin losing funding this month under the state's new private school voucher law was sent "prematurely" a state education official says.
Indiana officials are declaring détente with Occupy Indy demonstrators after the protesters removed much of their camping equipment from the Statehouse lawn.
A real estate brokerage picked by the city to spearhead redevelopment of a prime Mass Ave parcel occupied by the Indianapolis Fire Department stands to collect a million-dollar-plus payday if it closes the deal.
Federal transit data suggests passenger fares would generate about one-fourth of the money needed to operate a suburban rail and expanded bus system proposed for the region.
State officials gave Occupy Indy protesters 24 hours to remove their tents, sleeping bags and other camping accessories from the Statehouse lawn and warned there could be arrests Thursday should anybody resist the efforts to remove the items.
Demand for hotel rooms will make it difficult for some out-of-town lawmakers to find at hotel rooms or long-term residences in Indianapolis.
The change would save an estimated $3.5 million while eliminating 41 jobs.
The Republican president of the City-County Council in Indianapolis says his party plans to introduce an expanded smoking ban that would take effect before the Super Bowl.
The Indiana National Guard has opened a new $27 million training facility in Franklin that is the largest of its 65 armories around the state.
The Supreme Court of the United States agreed Monday to review a case that questions whether the city of Indianapolis violated the U.S. Constitution in how it handled refunds for residents who paid assessments on local sewer projects.
An Indiana legislative panel endorsed a pilot program Monday that would equip two General Assembly committees with iPads in the upcoming session as part of a push to cut the amount of paper used to print copies of bills for lawmakers.
Exegistics, a Wheeling, Ill.-based logistics service provider, said Monday it plans to spend about $9 million to build a rail-sided distribution facility in North Vernon, creating up to 315 jobs by the end of 2014.
CHIP, the Coalition for Homelessness Intervention and Prevention, said it wants Marion County taxpayers to create a permanent, dedicated source of funding for housing and services.
The Supreme Court said Monday it will hear arguments next March over President Barack Obama's health care overhaul — a case that could shake the political landscape just as voters are deciding if Obama deserves another term.
The Indiana Inspector General recommends in a report that the annual subsidy paid to the state’s horse racing community be reduced by more than half, to $28 million.
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels has long flirted with right-to-work legislation, but is letting the General Assembly take the lead.