
Tea party sees Lugar as best target in Senate

The tea party movement’s best remaining hope in 2012 for picking off an incumbent Republican in the Senate has boiled down to one state, Indiana, where six-term Sen. Richard Lugar still faces a challenge from the right.

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Charlie White seeks voter-fraud probe of Bayhs

Indiana's beleaguered Indiana secretary of state requested an independent prosecutor to look into his allegations of vote fraud and homestead fraud against former Democratic Sen. Evan Bayh and his wife, Susan.

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Senate nears vote to defeat Obama’s jobs bill

Despite President Barack Obama's exhortations, the Senate prepared to swiftly kill his jobs package Tuesday and the White House and congressional leaders were already moving on to other ways to cut the nation's painfully high unemployment without raising taxes.

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Economy added 103,000 jobs in September

The burst of hiring followed a sluggish summer for the economy—and at least temporarily calms fears of a new recession that have hung over Wall Street and the nation for weeks.

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