
City ready to take down 1,100 abandoned homes

With the sale of its water and sewer utilities cleared by regulators, the city of Indianapolis is preparing to deploy $15 million to $25 million in funds from the deal into tearing down abandoned houses.

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UPDATE: Indiana ends budget year with $1.2B surplus

After a year of spending cuts to state agencies and school districts, during which state workers were asked to do more than ever, Indiana released its final budget numbers for the fiscal year that showed it sitting on a $1.2 billion surplus.

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Cities weigh new law allowing bigger tax breaks

Communities across the state are trying to decide how they will use a new law that provides them more flexibility to employ economic development incentives but could increase pressure to give companies more tax breaks.

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Local governments will put budget data online

Officials at the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance and Indiana University's Indiana Business Research Center say they're launching a system to allow local governments to file their 2012 budgets online.

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Legislative safeguards can’t keep state from court

Indiana conservatives appeared to win major national victories with a trio of laws passed this year, but rebukes from a pair of federal judges and a lawsuit raised questions about how proposed laws are vetted for legal issues before they get to a vote.

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Indiana toll road came up $209M short in 2010

Now five years old, the Indiana Toll Road deal has yet to turn a profit, or break even, for its two overseas investors. The $3.8 billion contract, however, has been a bargain for the taxpayers of Indiana.

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City exploring Mass Ave redevelopment options

Property that houses Indianapolis Fire Department facilities on North New Jersey Street, bordering Massachusetts Avenue, could be sold to private developers. In turn, city police and fire services could be better connected.

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Indiana fireworks tax raises millions for training

State budget officials said Indiana took in $2.5 million from the special 5-percent public safety tax on fireworks during the 2011 fiscal year that ended June 30. That indicates about $51 million in retail fireworks sales around the state during that time.

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