CIB finances faring better than expected
The Capital Improvement Board, through the first nine months of the year, was running $12.3 million ahead of budget, by posting $6.5 million more revenue than planned while cutting $5.8 million in expenses.
The Capital Improvement Board, through the first nine months of the year, was running $12.3 million ahead of budget, by posting $6.5 million more revenue than planned while cutting $5.8 million in expenses.
Many Indiana Democrats had hoped a Bayh candidacy for governor could begin reversing a string of setbacks for their party.
Republican state Sen. Jean Leising of Oldenburg says her bill would allow retailers to use their best judgment when determining whether to ask a customer for proof of age.
The Bush tax cuts in particular are politically charged. Many people want to see the rich taxed at higher rates, with little regard for the impact on the economy.
Gov. Mitch Daniels on Thursday appointed Mark Massa, who served as Daniels’ general counsel before leaving the post earlier this year to run for prosecutor, to run the state’s Alcohol and Tobacco Commission.
Michael Huber has learned not to take critics' barbs personally as he oversees some of the city's biggest deals.
Rep. Ed DeLaney, D-Indianapolis, wants to give lawmakers a voice in key state appointments made by the governor following an ethics scandal that led to the firing of the chairman of the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission.
Sen. Beverly Gard's proposal comes after an auditor and a sheriff in Hancock County were charged with felonies.
The Indiana State Recount Commission on Sunday refused to dismiss a Democratic challenge to the Republican candidate's victory in the race for secretary of state over claims he wasn't legally registered to vote.
Indiana’s finances showed signs of life in November as growth in sales and individual income tax collections helped bring in $49 million more than projected in the most recent revenue forecast.
Lawmakers might address in the upcoming legislative session the controversy over who is responsible for upkeep on foreclosed properties.
A Fountain Square group led by neighborhood business owners hopes to create an “economic improvement district” for the up-and-coming neighborhood, where additional tax revenue could be used for everything from litter cleanup and marketing to capital improvements.
Citizens Energy previously said not using the bonds would add about $100 million to the cost of the deal over 30 years.
Secretary Michael Gargano of the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration asked the State Budget Committee this week to raise the funding for local welfare offices by 58 percent for the fiscal year that begins next July 1—and more for the following year.
Indiana lawmakers likely will cut some Medicaid-provided services in the upcoming legislative session after learning Wednesday that the state’s share of government health insurance program costs will balloon by $1.1 billion over the next two years unless checked.
The Metropolitan Development Commission has approved an $86 million city loan to help fund the $155 million mixed-used development near the downtown campus of Eli Lilly and Co. The project still needs approval from the City-County Council.
Some smaller airports have excess cargo capacity.
Firms are taking matters into their own hands to open trade relationships overseas, developing export policies they hope will benefit themselves and their communities.
The Indiana Department of Workforce Development says as many as 4,000 Hoosiers per week will run out of unemployment benefits beginning Sunday.
Indiana lawmakers will swim rough political waters next year when deciding whether to spend millions more on overcrowded prisons or reducing prison sentences and being seen as soft on crime.