
Ballard takes aim at vacant homes

If Mayor Greg Ballard successfully closes the $1.9 billion sale of the city’s water and sewer utilities to Citizens Energy,
some of the proceeds will be used to bulldoze or rehabilitate 2,000 to 4,500 abandoned, unsafe homes during the next two years.

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Shelbyville, county plan economic development projects

Millions of dollars in tax revenue that flows from the Indiana Live casino to local government coffers will be set aside for
economic development. Shelbyville Mayor Scott Furgeson hopes to present new projects to the city council in the next month
or two.

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Brizzi hires ex-partner to handle public records requests

Marion County Prosecutor Carl Brizzi has hired his former legal partner and personal attorney to field public records requests.
Locally based Collignon & Dietrick PC is responsible for review and production of Prosecutor’s Office e-mails, contracts,
case files and other documents requested by members of the media or public.

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