City backs off Monument Circle traffic ban
The city of Indianapolis has put its plan to ban traffic around the city's iconic Monument Circle on hold following opposition
from residents, businesses and arts groups.
The city of Indianapolis has put its plan to ban traffic around the city's iconic Monument Circle on hold following opposition
from residents, businesses and arts groups.
The country's largest beer, wine and liquor distributor plans to invest more than $10 million to establish operations
in central Indiana, creating 200 jobs at a regional office and distribution center here.
The Local Alcoholic Beverage Board of Marion County recommended permits for 18 of the 28 stores for which Walgreens is seeking
to sell alcohol. Approval by the Indiana Alcohol Tobacco Commission could happen as soon as June. 15.
Gary Mayor Rudy Clay is calling for the Majestic Star casino to pay $22 million in overdue Lake County taxes before state
regulators vote on whether to renew the Gary casino's license.
Aiming Higher PAC plans June 15 fundraiser within sight of the White House on Republican Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels’ behalf.
The proposal follows complaints by hotel managers that many travelers—particularly those in town for conventions—say
they cannot understand the city's taxi drivers.
Indiana's latest effort to cut spending will leave the state office that provides copies of birth and death certificates
open to the public only four days a week.
Former GOP Sen. Dan Coats posted more than 800 pages of lobbying records on his website Saturday in an effort to clear up
questions about his past and respond to attacks from Democrats.
IBJ investigation prompts top state Democrat's letter to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Restoration project, slated to last nearly a year, will redesign vendor stand facades, improve lighting and introduce a regular
schedule of live entertainment at the historic venue.
The Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library board of trustees has delayed a decision on whether to close up to six library
branches until its July 15 regular meeting.
Mayor Greg Ballard has put privatization of Indianapolis’ stadium and convention center management on indefinite hold.
In a recent letter to Arizona's governor, the city of Bloomington said it will not purchase goods or services from businesses
headquartered in Arizona or send city officials to conferences there.
The State Budget Agency said Thursday that collections through 11 months of the current fiscal year stand about $1 billion
below the budget passed by the General Assembly in June 2009.
Hendricks County distribution facility in new 70 West Commerce Park scheduled to open in mid-2011.
New U.S. Environmental Protection Agency rules force precautions on paint chips, dust.
Matthew Jose figures that if enough people follow him into urban farming, vacant and abandoned property will flourish with
productivity, consumer diets will improve, and worn neighborhoods will get new life.
A 26-member delegation of Hoosiers, including Lt. Gov. Becky Skillman, arrived Wednesday in Hangzhou, Indiana’s Chinese
sister state since 1987, for an agriculture-focused economic development trade mission.
Minority Leader Vi Simpson, D-Bloomington, said the Republican governor’s budget director told her that a comprehensive list
of executive branch budget reductions wasn’t available. She said that’s unacceptable.
Lt. Gov. Becky Skillman is traveling to China with a delegation of state officials and business and community leaders through
June 10. Skillman is blogging about their experiences as the group works to build relationships and attract Chinese investment
to Indiana.