
PERF confusion

I am not at all sure that a merger of two public pension plans is not a good idea, possibly just not under current investment management auspices.

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Township offices have to go

Leaders on both sides of the aisle have called for streamlining township government, and it’s time to demand that our legislators
make those changes.

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ICVA seeks extra $15M to market new center

The Indianapolis Convention & Visitors Association says it needs more sales and marketing firepower to fill an expanded convention
center and adjacent hotels. That means asking the city’s Capital Improvement Board—one of ICVA’s primary sources of funds—for
a budget increase of up to 50 percent at the worst possible time.

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Economic illnesses are like viruses

What kind of remedy should be applied to the economy? Surely we want something that will work quickly. But we also want something
that will help provide income in the future. That’s called investment.

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