
Unprecedented economic forecast revision will frame special session

With the help of outside economists, Indiana government undergoes an economic forecast every other yearâ??a process that’s taken on increased importance this spring, as Gov. Mitch Daniels and the Legislature attempt to craft a two-year budget amid the deepest recession since the early 1980s.

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Fiscal crisis calls for drastic measure

Ind. Gov. Mitch Daniels will call the Legislature into special session to pass an acceptable budget, but some legislators think a budget that would satisfy the governor cannot be crafted by the contentious partisans in this developing fiasco.

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Prepare for Indiana’s low-carbon economy

No doubt the transition to a low-carbon economy will bring great challenges for Hoosier businesses, given how carbon-intensive
our society is. However, if we take proactive steps, Indiana can emerge as a standout success story.

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Stop funding CIB

Well-intentioned or not, competent or not, the so-called “leaders” [sports columnist Bill Benner] referenced in your [May 4] column failed miserably in representing the best interests of taxpayers and instead presided over an unconscionable transfer of wealth from “We the people” to a small number of professional sports owners and players.

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Central Indiana could lead economic recovery

Every day, we get more bad economic news. While I’m not smart enough to know when the global economy will rebound or how strong
the rebound will be, I do believe central Indiana and the Midwest are well-positioned to lead the recovery.

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Westfield plans $60M youth-sports complex

The mayor of Westfield announced plans this morning to build a $60 million youth sports complex with a 4,000-seat multipurpose outdoor stadium, indoor sports facilities, and fields for baseball, soccer, softball and lacrosse. The sports facilities would anchor a 1,500-acre development by locally based Estridge Co. along Towne Road between 146th and 161st streets.

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General Assembly is shame of Indiana

When we read that all the Democrats in the House voted against all the Republicans in the House on a given issue, we know independence has been cruelly killed by the leadership of each party. The same applies to the Senate.

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Taxes, fees should be determined case-by-case

If an honest case for the general good cannot be made (as in the case of most education services, and, sports, entertainment and tourist facilities), government revenue streams should not be used to support private enterprises.

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