Payroll tax hike looming
Shoring up the state’s jobless-fund shortfall likely will cost employers and employees more.
Shoring up the state’s jobless-fund shortfall likely will cost employers and employees more.
When Sen. Chris Dodd decided to wage war on corporate excess, he had Wall Street fat cats in his sights, not people like Bob Jones, the folksy CEO of Old National Corp. in Evansville.
The Indianapolis Convention & Visitors Association says it needs more sales and marketing firepower to fill an expanded convention
center and adjacent hotels. That means asking the city’s Capital Improvement Board—one of ICVA’s primary sources of funds—for
a budget increase of up to 50 percent at the worst possible time.
What kind of remedy should be applied to the economy? Surely we want something that will work quickly. But we also want something
that will help provide income in the future. That’s called investment.
If the Capital Improvement Board comes, hat in hand, looking for help, we trust the investing companies will carefully weigh the benefits they’ve derived from the city and its thriving downtown before delivering an answer.
Some local officials wrestling with the Capital Improvement Board’s $37 million deficit think part of the profit made by the Indianapolis Indians could be used to narrow that deficit, but Indian officials balk at that idea because they say they’ve already paid more than their share.
A group of mostly local companies that made big investments to help launch Circle Centre mall soon could be asked to write
off a portion of profits they agreed to redirect into the construction of Conseco Fieldhouse.
“Group think,” a powerful and controlling force, was present as the Capital Improvement Board built Lucas Oil Stadium and Eli Lilly and Co. developed and marketed Zyprexa.
The Colts are our “heroes,” the bedrock of our community (at least for the few months per year that most of them spend here). Why should these esteemed athletes help the city?
Swamped by financial losses that go back to the time Herb and Mel Simon bought the Indiana Pacers in 1983, team officials
are now looking for a new game plan—one that may involve financial assistance from taxpayers and visitors.
NASA begins to award more grants to Indiana firms and universities.
Jim, you could engender so much good will if you would step forward and provide some short-term relief by paying more toward the operating costs of Lucas Oil Stadium.
Creativity and transparency are required to fix the Capital Improvement Board’s financial woes.
Business owners along the fabled Gasoline Alley north of Rockville Road think a proposal to close a north-south road linking
them to the front door of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway will have devastating effects.
Expeditious and clever spending on roads, infrastructure and, in the half-dozen states where it is possible, a tax cut will determine the success of the stimulus plan.
President Barack Obama’s economic stimulus bill provides a big opportunity for the Indianapolis-based Indiana Health Information Exchange to spread its expertise around the country.
Center Township Trustee Carl Drummer intends to resign from his post to take a lobbying job with Ice Miller LLP, according to a WISH-TV Channel 8 report.
Lackluster economy be darned, Indianapolis’ tourism trade gained ground in 2008. And the city’s new head cheerleader has even
higher hopes for this year and beyond.
Sitting in gridlocked traffic along Interstate 69, Fishers residents might already think of their town as
a city. This sprawling suburb of 65,000 people certainly looks nothing like the burg of less than 1,000 it was three decades ago.
But down at the municipal government complex, Fishers is still a town, just as it was incorporated in 1891.
A 2000 study has proven to be "remarkably prescient" in identifying information technology as a mainstay of the local economy that would "affect
all industries and all jobs," said Michael J. Hicks, the top economist at Ball State University.