
Health law adding to primary care doctor shortage

A survey found that 81 percent of doctors say they are over-extended or at full capacity, and 44 percent plan to cut back on the number of patients they see, retire, work part-time or close their practice to new patients.

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Regrets of ending an employer health plan

This spring, Keith Pitzele ended his company’s health plan and sent his workers to the Obamacare exchange. It was a bumpy experience he’s glad he won’t have to repeat next year. Does that mean most employers won’t follow suit?

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Are workplace wellness programs worth it?

Believe it or not, wellness is now a minefield for businesses. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has taken up three lawsuits against companies because of their wellness programs. And new research finds that wellness programs probably cost employers money.

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Health law faces higher bar in second sign-up season

Version 2.0 of President Barack Obama’s health insurance overhaul represents another chance to win over a skeptical public. But more than possible computer woes lurk as’s second open enrollment season begins Nov. 15.

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Health care overhaul doubts ease for insurers

Health insurers such as WellPoint Inc. entered last fall cautious about a major coverage expansion initiated by the health care overhaul, but are finding the challenges more manageable than expected.

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