
Pressure mounts to fix health insurance exchanges

The pressure is on for the federal government and states running their own health insurance exchanges to get the systems up and running after overloaded websites and jammed phone lines frustrated consumers for a second day.

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Pence pleads for end to medical device tax

Republican Gov. Mike Pence wrote a letter Monday urging members of the U.S. Senate to vote to repeal the medical device tax that is helping to finance Obamacare. But the Senate on Monday night voted not to repeal the tax, with all 54 Democrats voting to keep it.

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Shutdown orders issued as Congress misses deadline

For the first time in nearly two decades, the federal government staggered into a partial shutdown Monday at midnight after congressional Republicans demanded changes in the nation's health care law and President Barack Obama and Democrats refused.

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State officials explain extension for Healthy Indiana Plan

Family and Social Services Administration Secretary Debra Minott took questions on the Healthy Indiana Plan two weeks after the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services signed off on a one-year extension and some sizable changes to the program, including a new limit on earnings.

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Hospitals aren’t bad guys; they’re just business guys

Even in the face of alarmingly high hospital prices, no one should conclude that hospitals are the bad guys in the health care system. Hospital executives are doing exactly what they’re supposed to be doing as the business leaders of their institutions.

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